Essentials for your new baby
Becoming pregnant and bringing a baby into the world is such a beautiful and exciting part of life however it can become overwhelming when you realise how much you need to prepare for their arrival. There are so many things you need to purchase but also so many things on the market that aren’t necessary and this can make the whole preparation process confusing and more expensive than it needs to be!

To help make this process a little easier we’ve put together a list of the absolute essentials you need prepped for bub’s arrival......
Car seat - This one is probably a little obvious but it is an absolute necessity for bringing your little one home safely from the hospital.
Crib or bassinet - A safe sleep space for your baby is a top priority. There are lots of options on the market, co-sleepers for keeping bub close by, bassinets on wheels to make it easy to move them around the house and even self rocking and soothing ones. Just be sure to pick something that adheres to all the relevant safety standards. You can find lots of bassinet sheets and change pad covers at Snuggle Hunny.
Changing essentials - A change table or change pad for you to change bub plus plenty of wipes and nappies. Personally we love a reusable nappy! A good nappy cream is a good option too.
Clothing - A specialty for us at Snuggle Hunny! Item’s like bodysuits and growsuits are what newborns live in so stocking up on plenty of those. We suggest getting a variety of NB and 000 sizes. Also items like dribble bibs to keep clothing clean when the inevitable happens. Not an absolute must for all but you may want to pick out the perfect coming home outfit so you can snap a photo of your new addition. Our beautiful Snuggle Hunny newborn outfits and birth announcement sets are very popular.
Wraps and swaddles - To replicate the cosy environment of the womb, wraps and swaddles are important for making bub feel snug and secure which makes them easier to settle and get to sleep. We have beautiful Snuggle Hunny wraps to help.
Feeding supplies - whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle feeding there are a few essential items we suggest here. Invest in comfortable nursing bra’s and a nursing pillow for breastfeeding Mumma’s and for formula fed bubs, bottles and a bottle sterilizer are a must.
Baby bath items - One of the most exciting things is bathing bub for the first time at home. A baby bath is an essential as well as some gentle baby soap and shampoo. Soft towels and washcloths are also super important, check out our hooded towels!
Baby monitor - SO handy for keeping an eye on your little one from another room.
Thermometer - A reliable digital thermometer is crucial to monitor your babies temperature and detect any fevers.
Nappy bag - How else are you going to lug all of the essentials around?!
There are also so many other handy products out there that you can grab or pick up pre or post babies birth but it’s important to remember that every baby is different and you might find that some items work better for you and your little one than others. Consider seeking advice from experienced parents but ultimately remember to trust your instincts and adapt as needed. No one is ever 100% ready but with essentials you’ll be ready to embrace this new chapter in your life with confidence!