Top Sleep and Settling Tips as Recommended by You
Let’s face it, getting baby to sleep (and staying asleep) can be one of the hardest parts of being a parent (especially in those early years). When polled, 65% of our community agreed that they struggled with their baby’s sleep. So, for those parents who are in the trenches of poor sleep and unsettled babies, know that you are not alone. There are so many other parents out there going through, or have been through, the same thing.

We thought we would tap into the wealth of knowledge our Snuggle Hunny Community had to offer and asked them to share their top advice when it comes to all things baby sleep and settling. We had thousands of our supportive community eager to share their advice with parents who are struggling with their baby’s sleep. The number one piece of advice was “This too shall pass.” When you are in the deep throes of sleep deprivation, it’s easy to think you will never sleep again, but remember you and your baby will eventually sleep and this is just a season of time.
Read on for more advice and tips on baby sleep and settling…
Top Tips as recommended by the parents in our Snuggle Hunny Community:
- Consistent routine – Do the same wind-down routine for every sleep (a shorter version for day naps), so baby knows what to expect and their body will get used to sleeping at certain times. Even if you have a few off sleeps, remain consistent.
- Swaddling – Wrapping your newborn snuggly, can help settle your child to sleep and encourage your baby to wake less often. The comfort provided by the warmth and light pressure of wrapping your child, can mimic the sensation of being snuggly in the womb. This can bring a sense of safety and comfort to your child and aid in soothing them.
- Follow babies awake windows and look for sleep cues – Follow the appropriate awake window based on your baby’s age. Also pay attention to your babies sleep cues and put them to sleep before they get overtired.
- Ask for help if needed – Whether that be a professional sleep consultant or a friend or family member to watch the baby for a while, don’t be afraid to seek out the assistance you need.
- Do what works for you and your family – Let go of outside pressures (or expectations you may have put on yourself) and instead do what is right for you and your family.
- Relax and try not to overthink things - You can’t force your baby to sleep, sometimes you just have to surrender to what is happening in that moment and let it be.
- Trust your instincts – Every baby is different, and you know your baby better than anyone else, so trust what your inner voice is trying to tell you is right for you and your babe.
- Dark room and white noise - A darker room means less stimulation around your baby, which will help calm and settle them. White-noise machines create a comfortable, womb-like environment that calms anxious infants, encouraging them to stop crying and fall asleep faster.
- Give baby an opportunity to self-settle – Learn to differentiate between a distressed cry and a grizzle. Sometimes your baby is just grizzling and will be able to put themselves back to sleep. Give your baby that opportunity before rushing in.
- It’s normal for babies not to sleep – Their natural instincts are to need you and to feed. Also, their sleep is not linear it will likely change a lot over their first year.
- Have patience and be kind to yourself – Sleep deprivation can really impact your mental health. So remember to be kind and patient with yourself and your baby. And take time out for self-care when you can.
- Try a new sleep technique for a few days straight, do not give up after the first time, doing the same consistent technique for each sleep is important for a new routine/technique to be successful.